Sunday, July 02, 2006

24 hours in Ji Chang Village, Gui Zhou, China 2003

“24 Hours in Ji Chang Village” are images of Spring Festival in a small Southern China village. The village still appears today as it was during the Ming Dynasty. The generation of older women still wears the traditional dress from that time period and the architecture has not changed. One does, however, notice modernity creeping into their world. These images are mix of photogravure, an old plate printing process, and color prints.

Chatting, C-Print, ©Angie Jennings 2003

17 February, 2003- I snaked through the crowd, that had gathered on the central road of the village, to make it to the end. There were young boys performing the traditional Chinese Lion Dance where a large crowd gathered to watch. I was trying to get a glimpse of the performance when I noticed these women chatting. I aimed the camera and photographed them quickly so as not to gain notice. I was struck by their traditional dress and casual conversation in the midst of the chaos going on in front of them.

Washing, Photogravure, ©Angie Jennings 2003

This image was taken in Ji Chang Village in south China. I was in this village for only 24 hours, to celebrate their spring festival. I photographed this early in the morning, after I was awakened by the "banishing of the bad spirits" procession. As I was walking through the village snapping away I noticed this woman doing the laundry. It was not until after I had processed and made a work print that I saw the young girl peeking out the doorway.